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Short Articles, Reflections, and Observations

Welcome to my blog where I share occasional ideas and articles from about political violence, extremism, and terrorism. My work focusses on connecting the online and offline dynamics in terrorism and violent extremism and this blog tries to capture the close interplay between these two aspects. What happens online affects the reality on the ground, just as the opposite is also true. When we focus on one or the other without considering how each shape each other, we miss significant parts of the overall picture. To reflect this, my articles highlight insights, personal stories, and emerging issues from fieldwork, academia, and consulting. I will try to keep the articles short and to the point for readers and only write when I think there is an interesting or unique dynamic at work. Sometimes, I will also include personal anecdotes from my time working and researching in this unique and interesting space, but I will always endeavor to keep these as short as possible and with minimal rambling.  Lastly, I love to read other's writings, so if you have a blog or similar project dealing with this issues I would love to read it 

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